Hong Kong Society for the Blind

Website Screen Capture of Hong Kong Society for the Blind (http://www.hksb.org.hk)
- Tel : 27788332
- Fax : 27880040
- Address : 248 Nam Cheong Street, Sham Shui Po, KLN
- Web Address : http://www.hksb.org.hk
- E-mail Address : No related information
- Nonprofit organizationCharitable institutions and trusts of a public character, which are exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, are Nonprofit organizations.
The Hong Kong Society for the Blind (HKSB) was established in 1956. Over the years, we have developed a wide range of services covering eye care and low vision services, rehabilitation and vocational training, educational support, employment guidance, adaptive technology advisory service, information and communication technology applications to improve information access for the visually impaired, rehabilitation service for persons with multiple disabilities and visual impairment (MDVI), and residential care for the aged blind. To improve the well-being of our service users, HKSB will continue to make the best use of its expertise to join forces with all stakeholders to strive for building up a barrier free society with equal opportunities for all.
To provide services and opportunities to facilitate the equal participation of people with visual impairment in Hong Kong.
- For our Clients: To enable our clients to develop their maximum potential and participate equally in all facets of life through the provision of quality services, the use of appropriate adaptive technologies and equipment, and meeting of their needs on an individual basis.
For the Community: To promote equal opportunities and raise the community’s awareness of the needs and potential of people with visual impairment.
Service Brief:
- Providing Eye Care and Vision Screening
- Providing Rehabilitation Training
- Providing Career Support
- Providing Educational and Community Support
- Providing Residential Services
- Promoting Social Inclusion
Service Scope:
To provide comprehensive educational, rehabilitation, vocational training, employment, medical and residential services to the people with visual impairment in Hong Kong.
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