
Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association

Website Screen Capture ofHong Kong Young Women's Christian Association(

Website Screen Capture of Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association (

  • Tel : 34761300
  • Fax : 34761377
  • Address : No 1 MacDonnell Road, Mid-levels, HK
  • Web Address :
  • Nonprofit organizationCharitable institutions and trusts of a public character, which are exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, are Nonprofit organizations.


Established in 1920 to care for our community, the Hong Kong Young Women’s Christian Association is one of the largest and oldest women’s organizations in Hong Kong. Since our inception, we have endeavored to strive for women’s rights by offering women-oriented services such as eradicating illiteracy among women, promoting monogamy and “equal work for equal pay.” Upholding the purpose of “Enhancement of Life” the HKYWCA has been developed into a diversified social service organization, with “Enhancement of Life” as the core serving objective.


The Purpose of the Association is to advance the spiritual, mental, physical and social welfare of individuals, to promote their growth in Christian character and to cultivate Christian spirit of fellowship and service.


Service Brief:
- Providing Elderly Services
- Providing Children & Youth Services
- Providing Family Services
- Providing Community Development Services
- Providing Women Service, Continuing Education, Social Business, Membership Service, Accommodation, School Education
Service Scope:
A wide variety of social services, to serve targets ranging from infants to senior people of over 50 nationalities.


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