
Hop Yat Church, The Church of Christ in China, Social Centre for the Elderly

Website Screen Capture ofHop Yat Church, The Church of Christ in China, Social Centre for the Elderly(http://www.hycss.org.hk)

Website Screen Capture of Hop Yat Church, The Church of Christ in China, Social Centre for the Elderly (http://www.hycss.org.hk)

  • Tel : 28800461
  • Fax : 30108549
  • Address : 2/F, Island Place, 53 Tanner Road, North Point, HK
  • Web Address : http://www.hycss.org.hk
  • Nonprofit organizationCharitable institutions and trusts of a public character, which are exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, are Nonprofit organizations.


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(English version is not available)
1. 為區內長者提供群體生活,發展潛能,推動豐盛晚年之信息,並協助他 們予以實踐。 2. 轉介有需要之長者,接受其他社區服務或善用社區資源。 3. 增進社區人士對長者的了解和尊重,以建立關懷的社會。 4. 達成基督耶穌之服務及傳道使命。


Service Brief:
- Providing Elderly Services


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