
Industrial Relations Institute

Website Screen Capture ofIndustrial Relations Institute(http://www.iri.org.hk)

Website Screen Capture of Industrial Relations Institute (http://www.iri.org.hk)

  • Tel : 27294296
  • Fax : 27256242
  • Address : 216-219, 2nd Podium,Lai Lan House, Lai Kok Estate, Cheung Sha Wan, KLN
  • Web Address : http://www.iri.org.hk
  • Nonprofit organizationCharitable institutions and trusts of a public character, which are exempt from tax under section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance, are Nonprofit organizations.


(English version is not available)

我們向勞工提供各種生活、文化知識和勞工、社會意識的教育,同時嘗試以不同的方式去把他們組織起來。 在過去近十年裡,經濟轉型對大群製造業勞工造成巨大的衝擊(當中以女工為主),我們透過舉辦職業培訓重新面對這些勞工,然後組織她們成立了「女工合作社」。   隨著香港內部經濟轉型和中港經濟關係改變,香港基層勞工不斷被邊緣化,工資不穩定,失業問題難以解決,貧富愈趨懸殊,社會愈趨分化。

在不同的弱勢勞工不斷被煽動去互相踐踏的今天,勞協更加希望在香港扮演紮根基層,重新聚合勞工大家庭的角色。 透過組織個別的弱勢勞工合作共事、透過有組織地介入他們的勞工家庭、透過建立一個屬於勞工的進步的「成人教育中心」,我們希望能夠盡量發揮真正和深刻的團結勞工的力量,從而改變不理想的社會。


concern the situation and rights of the workers in Hong Kong and promoting the status and value of the workers.


Service Brief:
- Providing Family Services
- Providing Community Development Services

Service Scope:
IRI has been providing labour education and services for the working class families, including community economics project, Women Workers' Cooperative, Low-income families Mutual Help Network, labour education, grassroot culture development, concern of the social and labour protection of grassroots.


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